It is with profound sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Dr. Cyril Wecht, a renowned forensic pathologist and the Know Your Rights Camp Autopsy Initiative’s first Forensic Pathologist Coordinator. Dr. Wecht's extraordinary contributions to forensic science and his unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth have left an indelible impact on the world.
Know Your Rights Camp worked closely with Dr. Wecht and relied on his insight and guidance during the creation of the Autopsy Initiative, which provides free secondary autopsies to victims’ families who have lost their loved ones due to an in-custody death.
When Know Your Rights Camp launched the Autopsy Initiative, Dr. Wecht explained, “I am extremely enthusiastic about this truly unique program. The opportunity to have unbiased second autopsies performed by independent, experienced forensic pathologists in police-related deaths will provide victims’ families with knowledge that the true facts of any such case have been thoroughly analyzed and prepared for appropriate utilization whenever deemed necessary.”
As the Forensic Pathologist Coordinator for the Autopsy Initiative, Dr. Wecht brought his vast knowledge and experience to emphasize the importance of forensic science in the pursuit of justice. His guidance and support have been invaluable, and his legacy will continue to inspire our work in assisting victims’ families to obtain clarity on their loved one’s true cause of death.
We extend our heartfelt condolences to Dr. Wecht's family, friends, and colleagues. While we mourn his loss, we also celebrate his remarkable life and the monumental impact he has had on the field of forensic science.
Thank you, Dr. Wecht, for your extraordinary service.
With deepest respect and gratitude,
Know Your Rights Camp