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City Council Overrides Mayor Eric Adams' Vetoes On Bills Banning Solitary Confinement & Another Mandating Public Reporting of Police Stops

The #NewYorkCity Council voted 42-9 to override Mayor #EricAdams' vetoes on two key bills. One bill bans solitary confinement, ensuring that people in city custody have at least 14 hours of out-of-cell time, with limited confinement following incidents. The other bill, "How Many Stops," mandates public reporting of police-civilian investigative stops and consent searches, enhancing transparency in policing.

City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams supported the bills, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability in policing, as Black and Latino New Yorkers are disproportionately subjected to unconstitutional stops. Mayor Adams criticized the override, arguing that it would make the city less safe by burdening police officers with paperwork.

The solitary confinement bill aims to reduce violence in correctional facilities and end practices causing harm to incarcerated individuals. It replaces the term "restrictive housing" with more humane provisions. The "How Many Stops" bill seeks to create transparency regarding police stops to address concerns of discriminatory policing.

Legislators argue that these bills are essential for protecting human rights, reducing violence, and addressing issues of biased policing. Mayor Adams views them as misguided and costly, burdening officers with paperwork and impacting public safety.

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Link: ABC News 


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