The principal and a teacher from Bunnell Elementary School in Flagler County, Florida have been placed on paid administrative leave following an assembly held exclusively for fourth and fifth grade Black students.
During the assembly, students were collectively told to improve their school performance, regardless of their individual achievements. The assembly was used to present a 2023-2024 school year Goals and Objectives PowerPoint presentation that read in part, “AA have underperform (sic) on standardized assessment for the last past 3 years,” Flagler County School Board chair Cheryl Massaro told CNN in an email.
The Flagler County School district confirmed the administrative leave and expressed that the assembly should not have occurred. The district’s superintendent, LaShakia Moore, publicly apologized to the affected students and their families during a news conference.
“We make no excuses for what happened, we offer our apology, and we offer actionable actions for us to move forward in supporting our students, supporting our schools and supporting this community,” she said. “It is my responsibility to identify ‘why did this happen?’ We do have an investigation that is ongoing at this time, and we will continue to move forward as we get additional information at the conclusion of the investigation.”
Link: CNN