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Baton Rouge, Louisiana Police Department Shuts Down Torture Warehouse Once Called The “Brave Cave”

In a recent lawsuit filed against the Baton Rouge Police Department, Ternell Brown alleges that officers took her to a secret facility known as the “Brave Cave” instead of the district’s precinct during last June. This unmarked, nondescript warehouse, devoid of police signage, reportedly served as a covert interrogation site where individuals like Brown were subjected to invasive strip and body-cavity searches.

Brown, initially detained on suspicion of illegal drug activity due to the presence of legal prescription medication in her vehicle, endured a two-hour ordeal before being released without charges.

This lawsuit represents the latest in a series of allegations against a beleaguered Baton Rouge Police Department, which had previously faced criticism and settlements related to strip searches. The existence of the "Brave Cave" first came to light when Jeremy Lee, another resident, sued the department for alleged mistreatment and abuse following a January arrest. This revelation led to the facility's closure, the disbandment of the street crimes unit, and an ongoing FBI investigation.

Although Baton Rouge Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome vowed to address the accusations and hold those responsible accountable, additional individuals subjected to the "Brave Cave" have since come forward, suggesting that more misconduct may have occurred. Police Chief Murphy Paul Jr. refrained from commenting on the ongoing cases but disclosed that an internal investigation was underway.

The attorneys for Lee and Brown argue that these detainees routinely underwent strip searches. Lee, in particular, suffered a brutal assault before being taken to jail and later treated for injuries, including a fractured rib.


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