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Know Your Rights Camp's: Speaking Out Against The Violence of Policing And Oppression: A Political Education Curriculum

“To understand the necessity and urgency of abolition, we must first understand the genesis and histories of the institutions and practices we must abolish.” – Colin Kaepernick


Know Your Rights Camp was founded on the core goal of educating the next generation of activists to fight against systemic oppression. As educators navigate a difficult and often volatile educational landscape, Speaking Out Against The Violence of Policing And Oppression: A Political Education Curriculum hopes to make teaching the fundamentals of abolitionists activism as efficient as possible. 


The political education curriculum is intended for implementation in grades 9-12, adult education, and community learning spaces; the curriculum is divided into five separate but related days of 50-minute activities. The guide includes all materials, resources, and tips educators will need when teaching. 


Abolitionist and radical teaching pedagogies of people and organizations ranging from Paulo Freire and bell hooks to the Highlander Research and Education Center and Abolitionist Teaching Network ground the lessons of Speaking Out Against The Violence of Policing And Oppression. 


The curriculum will challenge teachers and students to re-envision the structural hierarchies present around the nation and in most classrooms as well. This approach will prepare them to take internal action and recognize themselves as human rights defenders.


Speaking Out Against The Violence of Policing And Oppression hopes to set an educational standard for anyone attempting to fight for human rights and liberation. Check out our curriculum and spread the word as we work to make change against systemic oppression.


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